Another blue day with 15 and 18 metre tasked straight north and Open Class into the foothills before heading northwest. Once again it was tricky in the foothills with gaggles forming low above the hilltops but after a slow initial 70km or so we were out into the plains and back to the stronger conditions in the north with occasional climbs to 5500 feet.

Solid performances again by our 18 Metre and Open Class pilots leaves Russell and Andy 1st and 2nd overall in the Open Class and Mike and Steve 3rd and 5th.

Fortunes were not so good for our 15 metre pilots where starting 20 minutes before the main body of competitors proved costly in time and 200 points dropped.

A fine performance by our crews, pilots and expat Brits at the International Evening where the home made Steak & Kidney pies, cheese & Branston and Pimms went down a storm all overseen by Roger the manikin dressed in skin tight union jack onesie.



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